

Our Students

Our rigorous academic programs are complemented by a culture of excellence that fosters skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork. 






面试将于2023年7月24日至26日进行. Through this program, many of the largest law firms and government employers will conduct virtual interviews with 2L and 3L candidates for summer and post-graduate positions. 该计划提供100%的雇主选择(i.e. 预筛选)与灵活的调度选项. 


Boston College Law School and Boston University Law School host a joint recruitment program for public and private sector New York metro area employers. 面试将于2022年7月18日星期二进行.


Through The Law Consortium (TLC), 电子游戏软件与其他五家国家大学合作, top-ranked law schools to bring our outstanding 2L and 3L students together to interview with employers in six cities throughout the country. 

Washington, DC: Monday, July 17, 2023

Chicago: Thursday, July 20, 2023

Philadelphia: Thursday, July 20, 2023

San Francisco: Friday, July 21, 2023

Miami: Friday, July 21, 2023

Los Angeles: Resume Collection

如果您想参加上述任何一项招聘计划, 请联系Emily Goldberg emily.goldberg.2@pulounge.com or 617-552-1192. 

Small & 中型企业校园招聘(2023年10月)

Participating law firms, 通常少于100名律师, 暑期招聘2L名学生,电子游戏正规平台生招聘3L名学生. 欲了解更多信息或注册,请联系Emily Goldberg emily.goldberg.2@pulounge.com or 617-552-1192.


我们的商务面试日招聘计划为在公司内部工作的雇主提供服务, in compliance, or other business roles the opportunity to interview our students for summer or post-graduate opportunities. 报名将于1月初开始. 

马萨诸塞州法学院联盟 Government and Public Interest Recruitment Programs (October 2023 & January 2024)

With the 马萨诸塞州法学院联盟我们在秋季和冬季赞助两个政府/公益招聘项目. 我们的学生也参加 Equal Justice Works Career Fair in Greater DC in the fall.


We are happy to coordinate video conference interviews should you have an imminent hiring need. 如需注册视频会议采访日程,请联系Emily Goldberg emily.goldberg.2@pulounge.com or 617-552-1192.


日益增长的趋势和智能解决方案,以满足法律部门面临的日益增长的需求, 新律师可以以合理的费用为你提供所需的支持. BC Law promotes the opportunity to interested students and works closely with you on the recruitment process. Our Resident Attorney Program matches recent graduates with employers for a one-year term. Employers set the compensation. 欲了解更多信息,请联系招聘总监Doug sapphire & 雇主外展及就业服务网址 douglas.saphire@pulounge.com or 617-552-4345.

More: In-House Recruiting Flyer (PDF)

Judicial Clerkships

我们全年宣传司法见习和实习机会. Judges may participate in on-campus recruitment programs or email a job opening to our clerkship advisor, Christopher Teague, Senior Associate Director, at teaguech@pulounge.com.

Resume Collection

通过要求收集简历来从你的招聘广告中获得更多信息. The CSO will collect and review the applicants and forward them to you on a date certain with our feedback based on your specific hiring criteria. If requested, the CSO can coordinate an interview schedule on your behalf or you are welcome to contact candidates directly for an interview. Please email us at law.career@pulounge.com 协调你的简历收集.

Post a Job

Register for a SAGE account 发布可供在校学生和/或校友查看的工作机会. 或者,请随时通过电子邮件将您的机会的详细信息发送到 law.career@pulounge.com.


如需讨论您的招聘需求,请联系招聘总监Doug sapire & 雇主外展及就业服务网址 douglas.saphire@pulounge.com or 617-552-4345.

Get Involved

我们每年欢迎雇主参加我们的100多个职业相关项目. Contact us 讨论即将到来的机会.




Effective April 1, 2023
BC Law has adopted the 公平及合乎道德的招聘原则 与所有雇主、NALP成员及非NALP雇主的所有招聘活动. BC法律专业的学生也要遵守NALP的候选人原则. Additionally, BC Law has instituted the following policies to be applicable to recruiting by NALP member employers:

Timing of Offers and Decisions


  • Offers should remain open for a reasonable period of time of no less than 14 days following the date of the offer letter
  • 我们鼓励雇主在可能的情况下给予合理的延期要求
  • Students may request one employer extend the deadline to accept an offer until April if the candidate is actively pursuing positions with public interest or government employers. 我们鼓励雇主同意这些要求.


  • 适用于以前受雇于雇主的学生, offers for permanent postgraduate employment should remain open for no less than 28 days following the date of the offer letter.
  • 适用于以前未受雇于雇主的学生, offers for permanent postgraduate employment should remain open for a reasonable period of time of no less than 14 days following the date of the offer letter.
  • Students may request one employer extend the deadline to accept an offer until April if the candidate is actively pursuing positions with public interest or government employers. 我们鼓励雇主同意这些要求.


  • Offers to first year students for summer employment should remain open for no less than 14 days following the date of the offer letter.

General Provisions

Employers are encouraged to act in ways that support the ability of candidates to make independent and considered decisions by:

  • 遵守既定的候选人答复截止日期;
  • Avoiding conduct that subjects candidates to undue pressure to accept or decline offers of employment; and,
  • Refraining from any activity that may adversely affect the ability of candidates to make independent and considered decisions.


  • 以书面形式善意提供就业机会,并清楚说明所有条款; 
  • Granting reasonable requests for extensions made by students to whom they have extended offers;
  • Providing an updated offer, in writing, should modification occur; and
  • Notifying the candidate and the Career Services Office promptly if it becomes necessary to rescind or modify an offer of employment, and then working with the candidate to mitigate the impact of that modification or rescission. 


As recognized by the faculty, Boston College Law School does not discriminate against any person on the basis of the identities referenced in our 多样性和包容性声明 在其计划和活动中接受、获得、治疗或就业. Boston College Law School has instituted policies and procedures to ensure a safe and non-discriminatory environment and to meet legal requirements, 包括1972年教育修正案第九条. All employers using the facilities and services of the career services offices must comply with these policies and procedures. 波士顿大学法学院有一个例外. 由于所罗门修正案,大学面临失去资金的威胁, 我们的反歧视政策暂停适用于军事招募人员. This exception to our policy does not reflect our acceptance of or agreement with discriminatory hiring policies.

If you have questions please contact Doug Saphire, Interim Assistant Dean of Career Services at saphired@pulounge.com.



Douglas Saphire

Interim Assistant Dean


885 Centre St.
Newton Centre, MA 02459

2022 Entering Class




Median GPA


Students of Color


Colleges & Universities Represented


Top 50 Law Schools

Above the Law


Best Law Schools

U.S. News & World Report



National Law Journal


Best Professors  

Princeton Review


Employers consistently report that BC Law graduates go beyond smart—they bring a high level of emotional intelligence to their work, including sound judgment, diligence, 以及以客户为中心的“实干”方法.