Frequently Asked Questions


要申请电子游戏软件总统奖学金,你必须在优先奖学金截止日期11月1日之前申请. 不需要单独申请,您可以作为早期决定I申请, Early Decision II or as a Regular Decision applicant. 所有在截止日期前申请的申请人都将自动获得奖学金. Visit the Boston College Admission 关于申请电子游戏软件的截止日期和信息.


Gabelli总统学者计划是一项优秀奖学金,涵盖BC大学的全部学费, regardless of financial need, 因此不需要提交任何经济援助表格. Please visit the office of financial aid website for more information about FAFSA deadlines.


There is no minimum GPA or SAT score requirement. However, 我们正在寻找学习成绩优异的学生, 谁在学校担任领导角色,谁致力于社区服务并表现出对社区服务的兴趣. Typically, 被选中的学生在全国新生申请者中排名前1- 2%.

How are finalists selected?

邀请信将在2月1日之前与BC的正式录取通知书一起发送给入围者. 入围者在3月中旬访问电子游戏软件(费用由大学承担),以了解更多关于大学的信息, the Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program, and the city of Boston. During their visit, candidates are interviewed by faculty and administrative staff; and they participate in other evaluative experiences which all serve as the basis for the final choice of Presidential Scholars, who will be notified shortly thereafter.

How many Scholars are selected each year?

We invite about 15 students to become Presidential Scholars. Once admitted to BC as Presidential Scholars, 学生在BC大学的4年课程中,只要保持3分.并在此期间一直是BC社区的模范公民. Presently, there are 60 Scholars in the program.

Are international students eligible for the scholarship?

Yes.  这项奖学金是一项优秀奖学金,对所有在11月1日截止日期前申请的申请人开放, and who meet the scholarship criteria. 

Is this scholarship for undergraduate applicants only?

Yes.  这项奖学金只提供给本科生和即将电子游戏软件的新生.  只有那些申请学士学位的人才会被考虑.  Transfer students are not eligible for consideration.

Will accepted students receive a scholarship?

总统奖学金获得者获得优秀奖学金,涵盖BC大学的全部学费, regardless of financial need. 如果奖学金不符合他们的经济援助要求, 学者获得额外的补助金和援助资源,足以满足全部需求. The cost of summer programs is covered by a separate award.


新生学者被安排在校园各处,并与所有其他新生完全融合. After freshman year, Scholars select their roommates; often Scholars do become roommates. 总统奖学金获得者获得4年的校内住房保证.


Presidential Scholars are encouraged to study abroad. 电子游戏软件有一个完善的海外留学项目,在全球有40多个合作伙伴. 参加电子游戏软件管理的出国留学项目的学者将仍然有资格获得BC省的所有经济援助以及他们通常收到的任何州和联邦经济援助.


在每学年开始的时候,所有的学者都聚集在多佛参加一个过夜的静修活动, MA. 在那里,二年级的学者们向全体学者宣布,他们希望在未来一年中为整个大学开展什么样的社会意识项目. Soliciting the participation of other Scholars, 他们建立了一个为期一年的项目,以提高电子游戏软件对我们所生活的世界的反应能力. Additionally, 新生学者(在高年级学者的指导下)共同制作PSP通讯, Ex Libris during the academic year. In addition, 在学年期间,学者们每周开会讨论他们的学科, 或参加波士顿或附近社区的文化活动.

Are there activities for Scholars during the summer months?

是的,学者们在大一、大二和大三之后参加了三个暑期项目. 在大一之后的夏天,学者们探索饥饿问题, 波士顿地区的无家可归和教育不平等问题通过参与一个以PULSE为蓝本的项目, 电子游戏软件全国知名的学习和服务课程. 近年来的安置项目包括Spectrum Boy's Unit, the Suffolk County House of Correction, Rosie's Place, the Labouré Center, the Italian Home for Children, the Project Bread Hunger Hotline, Haley House and St. Francis House.

The summer following their sophomore year, 学者们专注于他们所选择的语言的语言能力. 通常情况下,他们会沉浸在另一种语言和文化中足够长的时间(甚至进入他们的大三),以便能够用另一种语言舒适而正确地交谈.

在大三之后,奖学金获得者将在高水平的专业环境中实习. 旨在向他们介绍塑造社会的组织的内部运作, the internships include financial, government, corporate, and nonprofit institutions, depending on Scholar's individual preferences.

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